ChessLib is a toolkit for quickly writing chess programs. (not only for chess engines, but also for chess server bots, a new chess interface, or a chess server, or ...)

ChessLib is/will be written in C++.

ChessLib will run under Unix and Windows. Maybe other systems will be supported.

ChessLib provides chess data types like chessboards, moves or games and a lot of algorithms. Examples for the algorithms are

  • parsing of FEN-Strings and ICS-Strings (= "style 12" on internet chess servers)
  • reading and writing PGN-Games, PGN-repair function (PGN games with ambiguous moves)
  • parsing of the "ICS protocol"
  • opening books, endgame tables (from crafty) for chess enginges
  • formating of chess games or positions (to TeX or Povray)
  • chess board widget for wxWindows or TVision for displaying and editing chess positions.
  • move generator
  • huffman compression of chessboards (for big databases)
  • ...

With ChessLib some programs will be developed.

  • ChessBoard - an interface to internet chess servers (and maybe a chess database frontend).
  • a chess engine
  • some ics bots
Here is chesslib-0.0.tar.gz. Not usable.
Look at the status.
You'll need some software for all the functions of ChessLib.
Here is a list. (unsorted and not complete).
  • of course g++
  • STL - Standard Template Library
  • wxWindows - for GUI related things
  • TrueType Chess Fonts
  • TeX - for printing diagrams and games
  • Povray - for nice 3D Boards (hm, not for realtime 3D Boards ;-)
  • TVision - Console chess boards
  • readline - readline rules
  • ChessLib uses lemon+re2c, (similar to bison+flex).
    lemon+re2c generates C++ code, so you only need this code, which is in the ChessLib package (or in CVS).
    TODO: add a link to the patched lemon template file (for C++).
You'll have to wait, we don't have something usable :-(
Documentation or a tutorial is soon available.
This picture is created with povray, chess2.pov (comes with povray) and ChessLib.

ChessBoard with some TrueType fonts

Here the text interface:

Nobody asks us anything :-(

soon you'll see here more links...

Thanks, !
Christoph Bauer
Last modified: Sat Feb 19 12:05:57 CET 2000